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Enrollment fees are based on the number of class sessions and the number of students in the class.

$25 enrollment fee will be not refundable after the tuition is processed.


Classes Per Sessions  

10 Sessions — Enrollment for classes with 10 sessions is $200 per student when the class has 10 or more students. If a 10-session class has fewer than 10 students, the enrollment fee per student will be greater depending on the number of students.
15 Sessions — Enrollment for classes with 15 sessions is $300 per student when the class has 10 or more students. If a 15-session class has fewer than 10 students, the enrollment fee per student will be greater depending on the number of students.
20 Sessions — Enrollment for classes with 20 sessions is $400 per student when the class has 10 or more students. If a 20-session class has fewer than 10 students, the enrollment fee per student will be greater depending on the number of students.
25 Sessions — Enrollment for classes with the typical 25 sessions is $500 per student when the class has 10 or more students. If a 25-session class has fewer than 10 students, the enrollment fee per student will be greater depending on the number of students.

Tutoring Group  

Classes of fewer than five students are considered a Tutoring Group. Fees per each student participating in individual or small Tutoring Groups are determined on a case by case basis factoring in content, length of sessions, number of sessions and more.


How parents enroll their children



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